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Health, Wealth & Self Summit Presents Best Selling Author & Acclaimed Motivational Speaker- Les Brown and Media Personality – Eric Stoller of Champion Mindset Events ™

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Share ‘Insider Insights’ in How to Brand – Expand & Evolve Your Business & Life Goals for Optimal Well Being. Reserve Now for Three Immersive Days at Bonvoy Marriott – Ft Lauderdale – Friday, November 11 to Sunday, November 13

A person smiling for the camera Description automatically generated with medium confidenceBy Cristiane Roget, Sr. Correspondent -AdAvenue Group -Forbes France -EIN Presswire at

Ft Lauderdale/Fl Champion Mindset Events ™ Founder Eric Stoller joins Les Brown “What you do today determines what tomorrow will bring”, along with distinguished speakers, thought leaders and media partner TopDoctor Magazine in inviting South Floridians to the Health – Wealth & Self Summit. From November 11-13, 9 am to 7pm guests will immerse themselves in a high powered and rejuvenating weekend at the breathtaking & breezy Bonvoy Marriot in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.

A rich networking and elevating experience is promised that features bespoke receptions, interactive panels, life altering workshops, positivity training and inspiring speakers. Guests will converge, Friday November 11- for an all-day Business Conference.* Saturday, November 12 and Sunday November 13 brings together thought leaders and innovators in the optimal Health & Wellness, laser edge Technology – Entertainment, Media, and Business arenas. Keynote speaker, co-host and in-depth presentations by Les Brown will be the highlight of ‘the Summit’.

Born into abject adversity, former State Representative, PBS Commentator, and prolific author; Brown has achieved a great legacy and he is just getting started. He insists this is due in part to the strength of an indomitable mother and the guidance of a dedicated and (so often underappreciated elementary school teacher) that he still calls by name. This 5th grade teacher dispelled any notion he was ‘intellectually handicapped’. The accusation ‘retarded’ leveled at Les at a young and impressionable age could have spelled one more life wasted. “Mr. Brown is an inspiration to anyone who finds themselves within his sphere of influence,” confirms Diane Kelly, of Malibu, CA. based DK Productions.

Deservingly he is one of America’s best known, highest paid motivational speakers and on- air personalities. Les Brown Limited, Inc has amassed a fortune advancing his teachings to audiences that include Fortune 500 ™ executives, special needs children and the incarcerated. He will be sharing his vast knowledge with guests at the Health – Wealth & Self Summit this coming week.

A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically generated Les Brown is relentless in sharing “a message that discourages people from becoming complacent with mediocrity. People need not be paralyzed with fear, more prevalent than ever before. He posits, a constant bombardment of info , factoids and noise we forget to listen to our inner selves. “We become content with our discontent. I want to be the catalyst to enable people in all paths. To jump lanes and embrace their greatness within!”

Eric Stoller Founder of Champion Mind Set Events – Speaker Academy and Media Company joins Top Doctor Magazine and esteemed guests in an incomparable experience. The HW&S$ leads with a unique approach superior to more conventional wellness expos to experiences.

“Ours is comprehensive and fully integrated agenda. Find out how countless visionaries, entrepreneurs and startups have found abundance, new intention, and business benefits from participating in Champion Mind Set Events. Our glowing endorsements include improved skill sets, which are requisite in moving your business and aspirations forward while lifting the weight of hopelessness and dread. Join like-minded individuals that are committed to being their best selves and are generously sharing their knowledge with the world. Let’s Go!”, Stoller laughs effervescent as usual.

For the complete list of guest speakers visit:

Under the guidance of esteemed speakers, thought leaders and life coaches; guests will explore and immerse themselves in past, present and future traditions as they relate to the wellness of the mind, body and spirit.

“Join us in a curated program that will guarantee a more conscious connection to the self, to our family, friends, associates and community ultimately leading to a more just, verdant and dignified society and planet”, confirms Eric Stoller. A tall order? Yes. We remain undaunted that we can make a better world.

At ‘The Summit’, science and aesthetics continue to evolve. Ancient traditions of functional and naturalistic medicine and the most groundbreaking medical treatments and devices are seamlessly integrated into the proceedings. Join in interactive demonstrations of Braintap ™,VibraGeni ™,Boston Biolite™, Synergy Science ™, Magnaway™ and beyond.

Our dedicated and caring speakers and coaches are set to provide guidance to connect you with your goals and intentions, instruct you in listening to what your body is saying and propose individualized guidance in breakout workshops, tailored to your needs and objectives. “Our entire protocol is to assure guests they will achieve the success they are seeking,” NEED TO ATTRIBUTE THIS QUOTE.

Highlights on Sunday November 13 9AM to 7PM Guests will experience a unique formula to achieve personal financial freedom. From center stage, knowledge will be shared to arrive at our best selves! While ‘the Summit’ is focused on business owners, community leaders and activists’ registration is open to all 18 years and older.

Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to, Income Strategies, Web Development, Time Management and Sales and Marketing hacks. Branding and content creators are encouraged to propel their business to new heights affordably, how to streamline presentation skills to be more effective, trade secrets for high impact social media branding, how to capitalize on your personal story and with ample audience interaction.

Agenda Topics: How to grow affluence and protect what you have earned ‘fair and square’ will be explored. Why investing in education is essential. The ‘How’s’ & ‘Why’s’ of residual and passive income. How to launch a Web3 presence, build funnels and grow your in-person & online community, customer base and sales prospects.

Rounding out the program will be bio hacking to sports rehabilitation and how to achieve optimal health, wellness and nourish longevity. The adages about health and wealth have never rung truer than at the ‘Health-Wealth & Self Summit’. There is abundant proof that money can sometimes buy better healthcare. But a longer life is directly connected to happiness and a sense of wellbeing. The bonus is a healthy being is linked directly to their ability to create wealth, as well.  Or as Les Brown is fond of saying, “You have greatness within you” Believe it and it will never fail you!


“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”—Rachel Carson, biologist, author


* For a limited number of complimentary ‘Premiere Day VIP Passes’, Friday – November 11, 2022 contact Diane Kelly Public Relations or at Vector International Pictures 31022-9118

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West Coast
Press & Media Relations-
Diane Kelly PR
Event Director

East Coast
Cristiane Roget – 310-220-9118
Shelby Stone – +1 646-246-7791
Yeli Aguirre – TopDoctor Magazine

