August 2, 2021 For Immediate Release
Wrap Up Media Alert Sustainable Swim Week & the Rewired Retreat , Up Next : Caravan of Courage, August 8, Stand Alone Film Festival-Los Angeles , CC-Forum – London & ArtBasil.org -Miami
Miami Beach Sustainable Swim Week took an even “Deeper Dive” into Eco and Ethical Fashion and Mental Wellness at the Rewired Retreat
By Cristiane Roget , AdvenueGroup – Forbes
By Kristen Connell, the Rewired Mind
Miami Beach Sustainable Swim Week took an even “Deeper Dive” into sustainable fashion than at its inception three years ago as a pop up at Swim the Globe. The driver of this year’s Sustainable Swim Week was a one-day summit, The Rewired Mind Retreat that included distinguished panelists from the far corners of the globe.
Each session explored subjects that are evolving into a community based global eco system. They addressed the overarching theme of moving from a ‘survive to thrive’ mentality said Tiffany Thomson , Fight the Good Fight Foundation and under the guidance of Kristen Connell, co-founder of The Rewired Mind & Retreat. She was joined by Cristiane Roget, press impresario for AdAvenue Group-Forbes and Annette BiggieOliver of DreamhouseMBG; world class fashion producer. Among those who produced the Wrap up video are Goat House Production’s Sam Butler and crew, No Special Effect’s Keven Guzman and Rohan Bhatia Newman of Nocturnal Status . Watch Youtube for the link.
The four-day official Swim Week activation unspooled at the lush Kimpton Angler’s Hotel. Continuous fashion shows, product reveals by Beverlee Botanicals, Ilari Skincare, and earth friendly Green Earth Products offering alternatives to single use plastics were featured. Designers of hand tooled exotic footwear of recycled plastic, Tote N’ Carry , swimwear lines fashioned out of textiles made of Italian fishing nets and discarded plastic bottles (Tiki Yogi and Sage Le Rock ) were joined by an array of organic skincare and body products. Previous iterations of Miami Swim Week, (a three decade mash up of bikinis, hard boiled business and bodacious babes) the notion of sustainability in fashion was as incongruous as ordering a kale salad at McDonalds. This year’s event went all in as a showcase of eco conscious fashion for the 21st century and beyond.
Miami Swim Week 2021 has evolved into apparel makers, brick and mortar buyers and the media marshalling a broader social will. “Any internet search of Swim Week July 6-14 and one discovers that the theme of saving ourselves (and by default saving our planet) was a hand in glove fit,” according to Jose Alexzander, who debuted his eco made collection Jalu.
London pop icon Katherine Hamnett championed sustainability in fashion for over three decades with the slogan “protest is to survive”. The 3rd Annual SSW, was a collective endeavor featuring a host of environmental activists that included designers, artists, philanthropists and visionaries. Each one shed an illuminating light on how to salvage what’s left of our personal and planet’s resources. The overriding message of Sustainable Swim like a gazillion other burgeoning grassroots initiatives is “evolution is not about ‘design or will’. It is the outcome of constant endeavors made by organisms that want to survive. Evolution rises from the bottom up- so to does-hope”, states Paul Hawkins in the must read tome, “Blessed Unrest”. Our capacity to adapt and restore is within reach, evolution is optimism in action!
“The panelists participating in five intertwined sessions at the Rewired Retreat leaned into address saving verdant land, the ocean’s bounty, species diversity and assuring all life forms are treated with dignity and quality of life. This is made possible by elevating our mental wellbeing to achieve these lofty goals, ”stated Sara Quiriconi panel moderator. “This was not an occasion for frivolous gestures or wistful pleas but an in-person and online call to action pointing to us to the path to concrete activism devoid of political and religious ‘isms’, ” chimed in Kristen Connell.
Also embracing these critical initiatives at Miami Swim were pop-up shows that included Paradiso, Planet Fashion TV, Adalinda’s Swimwear Fashion Show, Back to Eden and One Night in Tangier. All took a step forward to further ‘green up’ the runway.
The pandemic accelerated the trend to direct to consumer collections that reduce overproduction. As Fast Fashion has created an obscene 300 billion dollar a year industry it is devolved into one of the planets most prolific polluters. By creating niche markets for aspirational apparel, unitizing textiles that are manufactured from recycled/upcycled discards and connecting designers with buyers over production will spiral down. By manufacturing locally CO-2 emissions from shipping and freight can also reduce the carbon footprint.
“Sustainable Swim Week made a splash and took a deep dive into mindful health and sustainability” said Kristen Connell, executive neuro-coach with a prior career as a stylist & buyer working with Neiman Marcus & Nordstrom’s. The brainchild of ‘The Rewired Mind Retreat’ states that elevated consciousness with an emphasis on personal & environmental empathy will illuminate the way forward.
The force of the executives, the dedication of the consuming public to pay more for conscious fashion, the inter-cooperation of nations, increased wages, recycling and upcycling and private investment predicated on an ethical approach all skew toward the SSW goals. These initiatives are critical in thwarting avaricious big businesses that are greedily selling out the world from underneath our feet.
We’ve replaced a climate denial demagogue with an environmental moderate who can advance sweeping changes that will lead us out of the apocalypse zone. “Whereas three years ago and a global time-out later have given us the where-for-all to contemplate a world without fast fashion. A world where the necessity of bees and bugs to pollinate our crops, the elimination of landfills rife with moldering made-in-China T’s and coral reefs that are swiftly bleaching into oblivion may be on the horizon. Or as Shelby Thomas lead panelist for Ocean and Environmental Conservancy, opined “we need to repair the planet’s lungs that are suffocating”.
@SustainableSwimWeek @EcoWorldLuxury™ @theRewiredRetreat, is comprised of ad hoc group of fashion forward curators, game changers and media makers.
They have announced plans to produce Sustainable Lifestyle Week as a satellite occasion at the CC-Forum in October 27-29 in London. The reception and gathering is being planned as a platform to further explore expansion of conscious conversation, mindset rewiring and an exclusive runway reception. Dots will be connected to live a more well-rounded version of sustainability. This event joins the 10th iteration of the internationally acclaimed CC-Forum at the Grosvernor Hotel in Mayfair London. The CC-Forum was founded by Max Studennikoff with the support of Prince Albert of Monaco and has earned the moniker of the “green” Davos.
Sustainable Swim Week 2021 is produced by Vector international Pictures in association with The Rewired Mind Retreat and Green Alliance International.
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Join us for the Caravan of Courage
On Sunday August 8th, Local Driver Co-op will hold the Caravan of Courage in Los Angeles and other cities in USA and Canada, to raise awareness about the plight of drivers and gig workers and introduce Local Driver Co-op – a driver-owned global cooperative federation, where drivers get 90% of the revenue and own their local co-ops in each city.
We will gather at the Uber Greenlight Hub in Redondo Beach at 11AM and head along a set path with several stops along the way. Removable car decals will be provided to all drivers.
The Caravan of Courage will be lead by the famous YouTube personality and CEO of Local Driver Co-op, Torsten Kunert (“Rideshare Professor”). The event will be followed by a virtual press conference with speakers including the President CEO of NCBA-CLUSA (representing 120 million American co-op members), Director of Social Security Works (representing 50 million American union members), among others.Tel.: +1-416-836-4455 Email: danny.golnik@gmail.com

Cristiane Roget -Sr. Correspondent-AdAvenueGroup.com/Forbes-Frances
Tel/Text 310-220-9118
Kristen Connell
Mindset Trainer & Neurocoach
Tel/Text 954-663-8446
Next up – Up Next
August 8 Caravan of Courage
Los Angeles/Rodondo Beach, Toronto San Francisco, New York
August 10 -Stand-Alone Film Festival Awards
Los Angeles, Hollywood, CA
October 27-29
CC-Forum.com (climate Change Forum)
London, UK
December 4-6
Miami, FL