Subtext: Be ACTIVE in Confronting the Culture of Excess! Guests are Invited to help shape a globalized, inclusive, dignified, and verdant environmental landscape for all. Friday April 19 7:30 – 10pm at Top Floor Maze, 300 South Biscayne Blvd-33131 Sustainable Fashion Reveal – Complimentary Organic Appetizers and ‘Bubbly’. Presented by Planet Fashion TV – Details at VIPictures.com Complimentary Admission. rsvp – required roget@vipictures.com or celia@planetfashiontv.com
By Cristiane Roget, Sr. Correspondent . AdAvenueGroup-Forbes.Fr. – VIPictures.com
Miami/FL A confluence of concerned citizens, conscious communities, philanthropies and leaders in the private and public sectors are united in advancing the mandates of the Social Impact Movement this coming ‘Earth Day-Every Day’ for four consecutive Eco Endorsed Events. Save these Dates. Friday, April 19 join Planet Fashion TV and a celebrative Earth Day lead-up at Downtown Miami’s Penthouse Maze, 300 S Biscayne Blvd, C-202 33131 for lively entertainment by Celia Evans and fellow performers, sustainable fashion reveals and flutes of bubbly prosecco.
Saturday, April 20 commemorates Cat Walk Pro’s 2nd annual ‘Tierra – Viento & Fuego’ at the Zensations Garden 3601 SW 121st Ave, Davie, FL 33330 with a glowing spot light on designer, Harmony Jackson. According to Sandra Ward, Founder of CatWalkPro’s, “Harmony’s breakout designer collection is a fusion of expertise and passion grounded in a profound comprehension of fiber arts. Her unwavering dedication to sustainability shines through in every meticulously crafted piece. She exclusively utilizes natural fibers like cotton, linen, and bamboo. Departing from the realm of fast fashion, her creations not only epitomize ethical values but also forge lasting connections between wearer and garment.
Save Saturday , April 20 – for an Evening Reception from 6 pm to 9 pm at the University of Miami Gallery located in the heart of Wynwood – 2750 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami 33127. On view is Catherine Kramer’s ‘sola’ multi-media exhibit ‘Known / Unknown’. Taking inspiration from Carl Jung’s process of Active Imagination, Catherine Kramer intentionally works with subconsciously produced imagery that speaks of our endangered verdant environment and organic imagery. Each piece becomes a mystery she must solve: “What was the reason I felt called to make this? What does this image symbolize? How does it fit within the larger narrative?” She has questions, guests may have answers.
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The first Earth Day in 1970 received vast world-wide coverage. CBS News produced a special titled “Earth Day: A Question of Survival,” with biologist Barry Commoner commenting, “This planet is threatened with destruction. We are in a crisis of survival.” Distinguished news anchor Walter Cronkite reiterated the theme, declaring this a “unique day in American history, dedicated to mankind seeking its own survival.”
A growing abyss between ‘have’s’ and ‘have-nots’ combined with the man-made menace of extreme weather patterns, diaspora’s brought on by famine, wildfires, deadly heat waves, seawater rise, and divisive social unrest are increasingly becoming the “new normal”. These eclectic events represent Individuals and organizations that in collaboration are mounting unprecedented opportunities and initiatives for positive change.
Miami residents are enthusiastically joining in a local to global ‘official United Nations curated calendar of Earth Day events. A city-wide movement serves as a catalyst for cross-cultural communities and comerce to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) within a framework for living and doing business responsibily.
“We are endorsing the very best occasions ‘to get your green on’. Guests and participants are encouraged to implement revolutionary (not just incremental) changes in the way we live and work,” insists Victoria Diaz CEO, BigRiverRE,LLC (http://www.co-modeco.com) makers of ‘eco – friendly, pre-manufactured modular homes’. Tours of their Co-Modeco show model will be offered throughout the weekend.
“Earth Day provides abundant opportunities to embrace a wealth of tools and strategies to help all people build the confidence and competence to respond with empathy and intelligence to the greatest challenges of our time,” to paraphrase Peter Senge author of, The Necessary Revolution.
Like-minded environmentalists, high net worth investors, press representatives, media influencers, and ecological industry leaders advancing high impact and innovative solutions will be on-hand to convey new insights that go beyond the standard industry silos. The collective goal of the organizers is to deepen understanding of the complex challenges facing humankind. “We are at the nexus of Fashion, Food, Eco Housing, Health, Wellbeing, Conservation, Renewable Energy and ground breaking Beauty & Lifestyle Products. Breath taking fashion shows and au courant rich networking receptions will round out the weekend,” confirms Zenovia Varela Vector International Pictures spokesperson and real estate broker focusing on sustainably.
The VIPictures endorsed ‘Calendar of Eco Events –Earth Day-Every Day’ finds humankind increasingly moved by the power of embracing a sustainable lifestyle to bring well-being, social justice to all the earths living beings. Together we are empowered to amaze, enchant and provoke. Consume Less. Share More.
Don’t Throw anything away. There IS NO Away. “If one is going to err, one should err on the side of liberty, freedom.” …..and a more sustainable planet, it is only natural. Kofi Annan
- C. Roget
- Sr. Correspondent
- Cision – EinPress Wire
- AdAvenueGroup-Forbes
- 310-220-9118
- roget@vipictures.com