TUESDAY – March 30. 2021 8 AM EST
Submitted by Cristiane Roget. Sr. Correspondent, AdAvenueGroup- Forbes France
Miami/FL As you read this on your laptop, phone or tablet, you are unwittingly participating in the digital revolution, one of the most significant advances in business since the late 19th century Industrial Revolution. This is a revolution that continues to transform what may someday be a society devoid of paper currency. It was announced this week by New York based spokesperson and newly appointed Youa Group Vice President, Yuting Ren that Youa Group Incorporated, a multi-national consortium with a planned move to headquarter in the Western Hemisphere is making strides to transition into crypto currency exchange and trade. With a host of integrated multi-national businesses, Youa Group continues to evolve as a world leader in the formation of next generation companies, especially those advancing a more sustainable paperless society while embracing innovative ways to transact business. Since their initial formation as a world-class international business and trade platform they are intent in expanding their businesses in the United States. Holmes Stoner, Board Member of the Family Film Awards and Founder of the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce and Business Council an organization that comprises over 400,000 sole proprietor businesses represents 24 member nations.
Held at the Universal Hilton in Los Angeles, on March 24, 2021 he confirmed, “The Youa Group represents a gold standard in business and philanthropy. It’s youthful leadership embraces a visionary, profit oriented business model abiding by the tenets of creating a more just and verdant world. Simply said, tomorrow’s leaders , today”. Youa Group is an ad hoc association, that is curating an ecosystem of entertainment, video games, cosmetics, fashion, food, sustainable products and services. The newly renamed and re-imagined Youa Holdings represents a fully integrated alignment of legacy and start-up companies who thrive on bringing integrity and ingenuity, as well as , consistent gains from their endeavors. ”
“Youa Group was established as a global holding company in 2017. Integrating compatible companies into a full complement of life enhancing undertakings their Board of Directors constitute multi-generational families and associates working in seamless collaboration,” states Ms. Ren, Youa Group Vice President and who also serves as President of the Greater China Foundation an NGO for the Support of the United Nations Office (FSUN-UNO) and Chairwoman of both the Bureau America Chinese Silk Road Chamber of Commerce and the Global Family Office Alliance“.
That is, to extend, fortify and develop new reciprocal markets in the Western Hemisphere. Secondly, we are embracing one of the key economic developments of the new millennium! That is an evolutionary shift to digital transactional technology like blockchain, Bitcoin and proprietary cryptocurrency “. Transacting business with Bitcoin (or our new branded version of it) will bring to Youa Group new efficiencies , cost savings for our clients and customers with opportunities to even the playing field in global to local financial transactions.
“Blockchain has attracted serious interest from some of the biggest names in commodity trading, like Gunvor and Mercuria, as well as, oil-and-gas majors like BP and Shell, and big banks like Societe Generale and ING,” says Martin Fraenkel, President, S&P Global Platts.
‘With crypto currency Bitcoin, we have new options for streamlining and simplifying paper trails and processes and for disrupting entrenched Wall Street businesses that traditionally only catered to the “haves” at the determent of Main Street “have nots”, says Yuting Ren.
“Our version of blockchain also creates opportunities for smaller players by potentially reducing the cost of trading by investing in tangible goods, services and entertainment ventures. We are currently developing feature films, media-centric co-productions and video games to augment the potential profitability of those investing in Youa Group’s new markets”.
The company is also undergoing a reorganization of their leadership. We are selling off and merging our existing portfolio while expanding our businesses to take center stage in entertainment and video gaming. We are soon to announce plans to transform Youa into a Crypto-specialized investment group while taking the evolutionary step of reorganizing our business model around blockchain, entertainment and gaming financial investments in the Western Hemisphere and with a compliment of start up enterprises.
photo credit: Yuting Ren , Miami Modrian, March 30,2021 visits Cristiane Roget, Publicist Vipictures, photo by Jennifer Sclafani – 305mgmt
fin word count 821
Cristiane Roget
Sr. Correspondent
SOURCE: Kplay Contents (Youa Co., ltd)