Miami /FL – submitted by Cristiane Roget-Correspondent & Associate a division of – Photo by Gary Brown Photography (extraordinaire)
Daniel Stanford Photography – Brasil
On Saturday, July 22 at 7pm – 10pm Guests were treated to a continuous Showroom 305 ( showcase that featured seven! swimwear and resort fashion lines plus entertainment and a photography exhibit by the renowned multi-media artist Daniel Stanford at the Mondrian – Sunset Ballroom with a gala that followed at the Luxuriously appointed Faena Theater in the Faena District.
The runway show featured consecutive debuts of the 2018 collections represented by Showroom 305 with a photo backdrop by Daniel Stanford to compliment the fashion lines’ origins. The hand rendered brands include Canada (Boto) the Hampton’s (Surf Souleil), Caribbean (Pier St. Barth Men’s), Punta del Este – Uruguay, (Sister Solnicki) Bali (Seabellas),Brasil (Guria Beachwear) and concluding with all roads leading to Rome (via Milano) with the Monica Hansen Beachwear reveal designed by the Super Model who has appeared countless times in Sports Illustrated Swimwear publication. The anticipated debut of the Men and Women 2018 collections originate from the world’s most alluring destinations, confirms Showroom305’s Creative Director and Fashion Curator, Jennifer Sclafani, “their 2018 unveiling un-spooled at the Miami Beach Convention Center – Booth #1822 for Women and for Men #2109 from July 22 to July 25th.”
The announcement, was made Friday evening at the River Yacht Club – where the producers of ‘French and Famous’ served as gracious hosts commemorating ‘La Fete Nacional’ or ‘Bastille Day’ and also acknowledging the heinous crime on the Boulevard in Nice one year ago. Eric Even and Eric Milon (and Michael Caponni behind the scenes) kept their cool in spite of the drenching humidity and over 700 Francophiles in celebration.
Mark Lester – Founder of ‘Soul‘, (TM) a premium Cachaca is creating a clamor from Lisbon to Los Angeles as it is reputed to be a ‘spirit with a soul‘. Ask for it by name “Do you have Soul?” in over 1000 Florida bar destinations.
The upper echelon fashion set & savvy entrepreneurs that have red lettered Swim Week for decades are embracing these more intimate gatherings. One’s with a pedigree and an underpinning of couture at the nexus of creativity and commerce. Studios like Showroom305 and Sports Illustrated’s announcement party of their very first! branded swim wear line were at the top of the A List gatherings.
For the record Monica Hansen, a super swimwear model has had her Monica Hansen Beachwear lines featured countless times in Sports Illustrated’s Swim Edition and concluded the show at the Showroom 305’s Mondrian runway.
Sclafani, with a decade in the Int’l Swimwear Industry wanted to make sure her stable of designers remain the ‘Main Event’, with her guest’s given kid glove treatment so the focus is on the ‘ground breaking collections’ and not an endless line to someone’s ‘open bar’.
Kalani Rountree is one of the over 300 top talent that attended the Casting Call at the Tides Hotel from 1-3:30 , Tuesday July 18.
The continuous fashion show was complemented with headline performances by Sax star- Steve Reason – and a command vocal performance by model-singer and influencer Celine Farash. Reason will walk the stage serenading the awesome Celine Farach and the pool of top models that were cast at the Tides Hotel on Ocean Drive. Drew James from the Ruff Ryders/Caviar Music Group label kept the energy on a high note for the continuous two hour fashion celebration.
The multi media installation showcased Air Canada Vacations on every continent. Guests reveled in the laid back lounge ambiance of what can only be described as ‘Alice in Wonderland’ takes a turn at the Mondrian Resort on Biscayne Bay.
Premium Soul Cacacha (pronounced Soul ‘ca-sha-sa’) was served. A guaranteed aphrodisiac on par with Absinthe – owner and Ambassador Mark Lester formulated a secret recipe perfect for the occasion. Louisiana Raines Farm’s – Ambassador Tom Pellizzetti donated 50 Lbs of grass fed Louisiana Wagyu Beef, called the world’s most desirable prime this side of Tokyo.
The up market – Swim Wear & Resort Collections are represented almost exclusively by Showroom 305 and will be presented, according to Jennifer Sclafani as a “stress free occasion”.
Our valued guests will deserve some R&R after two hectic days into Swim Week 2018’s Calendar with pop-ups in Miami, Miami Beach and Wynwood.
Jennifer promise to begin the runway show ‘On-Time’ was kept. Bel Air born, celeb photographer and actor Michael Merrins chimed in, “There was no Kanye West 5 hour delays that melted down this year’s New York Fashion Week.”
Showroom 305 is on ‘English time’ – to the delight of Jennifer’s enviable network of fashion buyers, A list news evaluators, fashion press , fond friends , associates and social media Influencers who arrived from as far afield as New York, China, Rio, Toronto, South Africa and Paris for her show.
A Special thank you goes out to Kat Nowak and Johan Pfeiffer and Stephan Morrris for their unstoppable enthusiasm. Also kudos to Sean Donaldson Hair of Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road & Brickell City Center and under the direction of Scottish born Sean Donaldson.
His crew masterfully styled the Showroom305 male and female models with the most au courant hair and makeup looks. Named ‘Best of’ hair colorist by Allure, InStyle, and Ocean Drive too many times to mention and voted the ‘Top 100 US Salons’ by Elle Magazine, Sean can count Kate Winslet, Dionne Warwick and the Royals Beatrice, Eugenia and Sir Richard Branson among his clients.
Watch for Daily updates on,, PR Global Media, divisions of AdAvenueGroup, in Assocation with VIPictures and Epoch Times.
r.s.v.p. required – – 917-293-0140
Instagram Hashtag #swimtheglobe
Brought to you by Soul Cachaca-Daniel Stanford Studios-Air Canada Destinations – Elixir of Life – Jeffrey Lubin Group – Syrunner-Argentina- and with more VIP guests to be announced.